Sunday, September 15, 2013

My weekend movie review: Mr. Holland's Opus

Wow. I can't even imagine where to begin with this. I had always heard in the past from, actually, a LOT of people how good this movie is so I figured I would watch the whole thing through. I don't even know how to begin. 

I immediately recognized Richard Dreyfuss whom I had known through growing up and watching Jaws and Close Encounters of The Third Kind. Richard plays a music composer named Glenn who we see age over a long period of time. There are so many spoiler alerts I don't want to give away to anyone but this movie will make you tear up. Otherwise, you retroactively have no heart or soul. It really shows how extraordinary a single teacher can be and the impact they can have on the students they teach if they put their heart into it and come to love their job, even if teaching is not their first job of choice. I have seen quite a few teachers like this at Booker T. and that was another reason I really enjoyed this movie. 

Brilliant and beautiful storyline as well as cinematography. Everything showed what was going on perfectly and every frame looked like it took an hour to setup so the audience would always connect with the feeling of the movie. The whole thing was just done with so much.... Passion it's overwhelming.  

I don't understand how this only got a 74% rating on Rotten Tomatoes but then again everyone on there finds something wrong with something. I wouldn't think twice about recommending this movie. Go watch it. 

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