Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sasquatch Of The South documentary treatment

My documentary is something I've really been putting a lot of time and thought into. Ihave so many ideas and I keep changing things around because I want it to be perfect. One thing that has always remained true is the searching of Big Foot in rural Texas land. The thing I think I am most proud of was making the choice to film sections of my film using a crummy camcorder instead of my Nikon D-90. I did this so the audience would be able to differentiate between what parts are film by me, and what parts are filmed by the videographers and researchers trying to find the sasquatch. I have decided to entitle it Sasquatch of the South. I've been really experimental with filming in different types of weather. Especially since the weather has been different every day since I started filming. I incorporated this into my documentary saying that "Sasquatches are more prominent in only certain types of weather." My documentary is reflexive so a lot of my inspiration has come from This Is Spinal Tap. A little more of my inspiration has come from Snow On Tha Bluff. I felt my documentary was lacking the gritty, amateur feel I was striving for, so I incorporated elements from some documentaries to involve in my own short film.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Exit Through The Gift Shop review by Carter Brown

This documentary.. Was really, really intriguing to me. Street art has always been a fascinating subject and I'd heard before of Banksy and knew of the mystery surrounding him. Nobody knew who he was but his work was fascinating. Mr. Brainwash, as he's called now, was also a cool person we were introduced to. He always carried around a camera. Filmed everything he saw. I thought it was fairly relatable to how, at first, his first big project was a complete and total flop. The Television Life thing was a neat concept, but not for a short film or movie for something like that to be happening for more than 10 minutes. Constant flashings of normal things. People walking. A grocery store. An occasional street art piece in progress. THAT'S what I wanted to see and that's what we got more of. Banksy I feel got cheated. Banksy, I feel is the true artist here. Mr. Brainwash simply replicated everything Banksy taught him, did his homework on just marketing, and shot to the top. Yes, it was in tribute to Banksy but... Banksy did all of his art himself. Mr. Brainwash was doing it more at a pace of selling and manufacturing art, by hiring a whole team to work for him. I didn't think it was the true artists way. I think Mr. Brainwash should have stuck to documentaries and not have... Seemingly stolen an art form for the purpose of bragging rights from Banksy. The documentary... Was amazing. I was always interested. Always wondering if they'd get caught. Very fascinated by how these street artists work. I just can't help but wonder how many people were inspired to do the same thing based on this documentary? I'm REALLY glad I got to watch the whole documentary and learn to appreciate street art and the message it carries of individualism, art, passion, and rebellion.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Snow On Tha Bluff review by Carter Brown

Woah. This one really blew me away. I'm still skeptical on if the whole thing was real or not. I mean... If it is real, thousands of people have seen this group of people commit multiple crimes, from drug use, to murder. But even if it's not real.. It still stands strong. I loved how simple the idea was. A drug dealer in the hood steals a video camera, and films everything that happens over, I'm guessing maybe a two week period. Nothing had to be overdone, or fancy. Nothing like camera angles or overdubbing. There weren't even subtitles, even though it was hard to understand what some people were saying at times. But I think it balanced out because the storyline was SO good and intriguing. The whole film had this very.... Raw... Amateur... Realistic feel to it that made it stand out among others. It showed the influence drugs can have on people and what causes them to keep selling and using. I felt the ending could have been sooooo much better. The ending was funny and summed up the movie perfectly, I just felt more could have been done with it. Snow On Tha Bluff is something I have already passed on to other people and it, as of right now, is one of my favorites.